2020 Virtual Event

Our 2020 event was held Friday, November 27 and the topic was Nation Building: Canada 2.0. The Bennett Jones Business Forum took the unpredictability of the pandemic and the overall health and safety of participants into consideration, and created a unique opportunity to live-stream keynote speakers, while participants contributed both intellectually and socially. Moderated by Perry Spitznagel, the Chairman of the Bennett Jones Business Forum, speakers and participants shared their views virtually.
A special thank you to our distinguished line-up of keynote speakers, and to everyone who participated in this informative and interactive virtual experience. The Business Forum has been an exclusive event where participants can enjoy the presentations as they happen, but with the event being virtual, we are sharing the links to these important views and conversations.
We hope that for those of you who participated in the Wine Tasting that you enjoyed both the presentations from the wine celebrities, and the wine!
Nation Building
Canada 2.0

Opening Remarks

Economic Outlook

Business Panel

Country Panel

Lake Louise World Cup Update

Closing Remarks

Wine Tasting


A special thank you to our sponsors.

Bennett Jones Lake Louise Business Forum would like to thank all of our sponsors for their generous support.